The founder: Mr. Robert Burns was an owner of a small textile workshop in Manchester. He mainly produced cap badges, miner's clothing and other products. He didn't operate the business well although with adept skills. And he suffered from substantial loss from this, then sold the factory and transferred his six children to relatives in London. He ardently loved embroidery and groped anti-woven silk process. After a few years, he borrowed money from friends to return to his former career, mainly engaged in delicate palace individual embroider and oil painting works of famous artists. In 1884, his embroidery was selected by Edward VII - the son of Queen Victoria. Afterward, with the enthronement of Edward VII, his embroidery officially became royal work in Buckingham Palace. In memory of Mr. Burns' wife lady Clemon who demised early, the artwork is named after her: Clemon anti-woven silk artworks embroidery.

Jason Burns is the third son of Robert Burns, he was influenced by art and skills when he was young. At the age of 16, he began to help his father create embroidery products. In 1913, he has embroidered Coronation of King George V based on oil painting, which took two years. The work represented Britain at the world's fair, during the review, this work won the gold medal at the 1915 Panama World's Fair for its fine performance and distinctive figure portrayals. All his life, art technique has always been his desire. Although he had no opportunity to get formal art education, his studies have given him more than 20 embroidery stitches, and most of them are still in use today. In 1922, he bought a three-story Gothic building on St James's Street as the perennial office, creation, production site of his company, which is still in use today.

Alston Burns was graduated in Royal College of Art, Art History major. After graduating with excellent marks, he stayed on the college as a teacher for nearly 10 years. After that, he managed the family company according to his father's wishes. After the outbreak of World War II, he quitted the business and joined the army, joined the British Army at an advanced age. After being released from military service, he wrote Tobruk to cherish the memory of his comrade-in-arms sergeant Horton, which is now in the British Geely Royal Museum. During the war, due to the special circumstances of the company's business process, only accept customized art, the company was, since then, renamed as: Clemon anti-woven silk customized embroidery. In this twilight years, he served as the member of Boards of Trustees of Royal Academy of Arts and actively participated in various arts and charity social activities.

Pamela Williams is the second daughter of Alston Burns, graduated from Edinburgh College of Art majoring in the History of Western Architecture before taking over the company in the late 1960s. Since then, the company officially has begun to recruit art students and apprentices and established embroidery art institute, transformed from special service for royal family and the nobility to market-oriented operation. Plus, it gained more fame in creations. In 1975, the company's shops opened in New York, and the exclusive shop opened in Tokyo in 1979. At this point, the brand officially out of the European continent, facing the world. With the progress of the time, under the lead of Pamela Williams, the company has gradually begun the research and development of photo embroidery technology, so that it has more characteristics of the era of art and become many European debutantes to collect.

Gordon Williams is the fifth generation of Clemon, graduated from The Glasgow School of Art, majoring in Industrial Design. Gordon Williams and his students created Clemon's Prince Charles and Princess Diana's Wedding Photo, the artwork took them four months was hung in the middle of Westminster Cathedral at Prince Charles' wedding in 1981. The artwork has become famous all over the world due to extensive media attention. When Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2011, the Clemon collection was once again selected and then kept in Kensington Palace. Gordon Williams' masterpiece, Abdullah Portrait, at its peak, was presented as a state gift by Gordon Brown, the former British Prime Minister, when he visited Saudi Arabia in 2008.

Roderick Williams, the sixth generation of Clemon, the eldest son of Gordon Williams, graduated from Birmingham College of Art and Design, majoring in Art Restoration. He is now the marketing director of the company, mainly responsible for the recruitment and training of students and daily operation. He is a strong supporter of green accessories, focusing on Asian market, during his management, the number of creative staff and students increased significantly, the market coverage was more extensive, the revenue was also increased rapidly, and the brand awareness was greatly improved. Artistic creations of his mainly focus on modern themes and abstract themes, emphasize the contrast between warm and cold patterns and exquisite degree of embroidery art.